Moamen Elmassry

Biology Building · Room 309 · 2901 Main Street · Lubbock, TX 79409-43131 · (806) 283-4303 · ·

I am a PhD candidate at the biological sciences department at Texas Tech University. My dissertation is focused on the pathogenesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa during sepsis in trauma patients. I also teach microbiology labs, which I am always excited about.


Texas Tech University

Doctor of Philosophy in Biology (specialization in Microbiology)
Biology with specialization in Microbiology

Cumulative GPA: 4.0

2015 - Present

Cairo University, Faculty of Pharmacy

Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Excellent grade with honors, top 10%

2007 - 2012


Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Department of Immunology and Molecular Microbiology

PhD Dissertation

Under the supervision of Professors Michael San Francisco and Abdul Hamood.

September 2015 - Present

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

National Center for Biotechnology (NCBI)

Visiting Bioinformatician Program

Under the supervision of Dr. Ben Busby.

April 2018 - June 2018


Texas Tech University

Department of Biological Sciences

Graduate Teaching Assistant for microbiology (MBIO 3401/MBIO 3400) and microbial genetics (MBIO 5408/4406).

TEACH (Teaching Effectiveness And Career enHancement) Program fellow

American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Science Teaching Program fellow

September 2015 - Present

If you are interested you may read my thoughts on my experience teaching during my graduate education in Science magazine.


Check my publications on Google Scholar.

Awards & Certifications

  • Certified Educator Level 1 & 2 - Google for Education
  • Oral Presentation Award in Microbiology and Medicine at The 9th Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium
  • 1st place in Science I, 16th Annual Graduate School Poster Competition at Texas Tech University


Programming Languages

    R & Unix

Shiny Apps


Apart from research and teaching, I enjoy biking around the city. I also enjoy art, reading, and tai chi.

I love going to random talks about history and philosophy.